Maybe You Should Talk To Someone Book Pdf Lori Gottlieb
Maybe You Should Talk To Someone Pdf Book Intro :
Patient reports feeling “stressed out” and states that he is having difficulty sleeping and getting along with his wife. Expresses annoyance with others and seeks help “managing the idiots.” Have compassion. Deep breath. Have compassion, have compassion, have compassion . . . I’m repeating this phrase in my head like a mantra as the forty-year-old man sitting across from me is telling me about all of the people in his life who are “idiots.” Why, he wants to know, is the world filled with so many idiots? Are they born this way? Do they become this way? Maybe, he muses, it has something to do with all the artificial chemicals that are added to the food we eat nowadays.
“That’s why I try to eat organic,” he says. “So I don’t become an idiot like everyone else.” I’m losing track of which idiot he’s talking about: the dental hygienist who asks too many questions (“None of them rhetorical”), the coworker who only asks questions (“He never makes statements, because that would imply that he had something to say”), the driver in front of him who stopped at a yellow light (“No sense of urgency!”), the Apple technician at the Genius Bar who couldn’t fix his laptop (“Some genius!”). “John,” I begin, but he’s starting to tell a rambling story about his wife. I can’t get a word in edgewise, even though he has come to me for help. I, by the way, am his new therapist. (His previous therapist, who lasted just three sessions, was “nice, but an idiot.”).......................................
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