The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts Gary Chapman
The 5 Love Languages Pdf
At 30,000 feet, somewhere between Buffalo and Dallas, he put his
magazine in his seat pocket, turned in my direction, and asked, “What kind
of work do you do?”
“I do marriage counseling and lead marriage enrichment seminars,” I
said matter-of-factly.
“I’ve been wanting to ask someone this for a long time,” he said.
“What happens to the love after you get married?”
Relinquishing my hopes of getting a nap, I asked, “What do you
“Well,” he said, “I’ve been married three times, and each time, it was
wonderful before we got married, but somehow after the wedding it all fell
apart. All the love I thought I had for her and the love she seemed to have
for me evaporated.
I am a fairly intelligent person. I operate a successful
business, but I don’t understand it.”
“How long were you married?” I asked.
“The first one lasted about ten years. The second time, we were
married three years, and the last one, almost six years.”
“Did your love evaporate immediately after the wedding, or was it a
gradual loss?” I inquired.
“Well, the second one went wrong from the very beginning. I don’t
know what happened. I really thought we loved each other, but the
honeymoon was a disaster, and we never recovered. We only dated six
months. It was a whirlwind romance.
It was really exciting! But after the
marriage, it was a battle from the beginning.
“In my first marriage, we had three or four good years before the baby
came. After the baby was born, I felt like she gave her attention to the baby
and I no longer mattered. It was as if her one goal in life was to have a baby,
and after the baby, she no longer needed me.”
“Did you tell her that?” I asked.....................................
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