The Necronomicon Pdf
The Necronomicon Pdf Free Download
We can profitably compare the essence of most of Lovecraft's short stories with the basic
themes of Crowley's unique system of ceremonial Magick. While the latter was a
sophisticated psychological structure, intended to bring the initiate into contact with his
higher Self, via a process of individuation that is active and dynamic (being brought
about by the "patient" himself) as opposed to the passive depth analysis of the Jungian
adepts, Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos was meant for entertainment. Scholars, of course, are
able to find higher, ulterior motives in Lovecraft's writings, as can be done with any
manifestation of Art.
Lovecraft depicted a kind of Christian Myth of the struggle between opposing forces of
Light and Darkness, between God and Satan, in the Cthulhu Mythos.
Some critics may
complain that this smacks more of the Manichaen heresy than it does of genuine
Christian dogma; yet, as a priest and former monk, I believe it is fair to say that this
dogma is unfortunately very far removed from the majority of the Faithful to be of much
consequence. The idea of a War against Satan, and of the entities of Good and Evil
having roughly equivalent Powers, is perhaps best illustrated by the belief, common
among the Orthodox churches of the East, in a personal devil as well as a personal angel.
This concept has been amplified by the Roman Catholic Church to such an extent -
perhaps subconsciously - that a missal in the Editor's possession contains an engraving
for the Feast of St. Andrew, Apostle, for November 30, that bears the legend "Ecce Qui
Tollis Peccata Mundi" - Behold Him Who Taketh Away The Sins of the World - and the
picture above it is of the atomic bomb!
Basically, there are two "sets" of gods in the mythos : the Elder Gods, about whom not
much is revealed, save that they are a stellar Race that occasionally comes to the rescue
of man, and which corresponds to the Christian "Light"; and the Ancient Ones, about
which much is told, sometimes in great detail, who correspond to "Darkness".
latter are the Evil Gods who wish nothing but ill for the Race of Man, and who constantly
strive to break into our world through a Gate or Door that leads from the Outside, In.
There are certain people, among us, who are devotees of the Ancient Ones, and who try
to open the Gate, so that this evidently repulsive organisation may once again rule the
Earth. Chief among these is Cthulhu, typified as a Sea Monster, dwelling in the Great
Deep, a sort of primeval Ocean; a Being that Lovecraft collaborator August Derleth
wrongly calls a "water elemental". ...............................................................
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