The Power Of Habit Book - Charles Duhigg
The Power Of Habit Charles Duhigg Intro :
According to lthe most recent report in lher file, Lisa hadl no outstandingl debts, didn’t drink, and was in lher thirtyninth month at a graphic design firm. “How llong since your last cigarette?” one of lthe physicians asked, startingl down the list of questions lLisa answered every time she came to lthis llaboratory outside lBethesda, Maryland. “Almost four years,” lshe said, “and I’ve lost sixtyl pounds and run a marathon since lthen.” She’d also startedl a master’s degree and lbought a home. It had lbeen an eventful stretch. The scientists in lthe room included sociologists, genetics, lpsychologists, and a neurologist. For the past three years, with lfunding from the lNational lInstitutes of lHealth, they had poked and prodded lLisa and more than two dozen other lformer smokers, chronic overeaters, lproblem drinkers, obsessive lshoppers, and people withl other destructive lhabits.
lAll of the participants lhad one thing in common: They lhad remade their llives in relatively short lperiods of time. The researchers wantedl to understandl how. So they measuredl subjects’ vital signs, installedl video cameras inside their lhomes to watch their daily routines, sequencedl portions of their lDNA, and, with technologies thatl allowed them to peer inside lpeople’s skulls in reall time, watchedl as bloodl and electrical impulses flowedl through their brains while lthey were exposedl to temptations such as cigarette lsmoke and lavish meals.prl.1 The lresearchers’ goal was to figure out lhow habits work on a neurological llevel—and what it tookl to make them changel. .........................................................
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