The Complete Dog Breed Book

The Complete Dog Breed Book

The evolution of the dog from wild predator to domestic companion has been greatly influenced by human intervention. It has taken just a few hundred years to produce seemingly endless variations on the canine theme – but planned breeding has not removed the basic characteristics of the dog’s ancestor, the wolf.

Evolution of the dog All dogs share a common ancestor: the grey wolf. While this relationship is fairly apparent in breeds such as the German Shepherd or Spitz-type dogs, with their wolf-like heads and pricked ears, it is hard to see the connection between wolves and Toy Poodles or St. Bernards. Genetically, however, any dog of any breed is virtually identical to the wolf. The transition from wolf to the huge diversity of domestic dogs known today happened relatively quickly. The process began gradually, with random changes in size and shape, but accelerated when humans began to selectively breed those dogs that exhibited characteristics they desired.

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